Best Foods for Sleep: 10 Foods that Help you Sleep at Night!

What are the best foods that help you sleep? A good night’s sleep without any disturbance is quite important for our overall health, and it keeps us in charge of staying relaxed and improves immunity.
But many people struggle the whole night to get deep sleep, and many factors can affect your sleep like stress, poor eating habits, overactive mind, any health discomfort, etc.
Generally, a person needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night, and if you are tired of counting sheep and doing various things to get a good night’s sleep, don’t worry, we will love to help you.
Foods that Help you Sleep at Night
In this article, we have mentioned the best foods that help you sleep. Many people love late-night snacks, so why not chose certain foods that can improve sleep at night so let’s have a look at 10 foods that promote sleep-
1. Bananas
Mostly people think banana is a daytime food, but eating before going to bed will surprisingly help better sleep.
Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium that provide natural muscle relaxation. Bananas are not only delicious in taste but also have many benefits.
A special component called tryptophan is added to the banana found in turkey and generates serotonin to stimulate muscle relaxation. That’s why people feel to take a nap after Thanksgiving dinner.
2. Kiwi
Kiwifruit is a powerhouse of such minerals, vitamins, and nutrients and is loaded with antioxidants. Many people carve this green delicious fruit, and you can do various experiments with it.
Kiwifruit is low in calories, and many studies showed that eating 2 kiwifruits before going to bed improves sleep quality and helps people sleep quickly. Kiwi also includes serotonin that regulates sleeping time and quality.
There is no such harm or any bad effects eating kiwi before sleep so go with that. Just eat 1 or 2 medium kiwis and eat them fresh.
3. Milk
Milk is also the best food for sleep. Drinking lukewarm milk just before sleeping is a well-known formula, and maybe you have heard from your grandma about that.
Milk contains tryptophan hormone that regulates serotonin to make your sleep good and better than before.
The other dairy products like cottage cheese would also be helpful. Just drink one glass of warm milk with less-sugar or without sugar daily.
4. Almonds
Almonds are excellent sources of riboflavin, phosphorus, and manganese, fiber, and antioxidants that are very beneficial to promote overall health and a good night’s sleep as well.
Almonds is the best foods to improve sleep. People who are fighting insomnia must eat almonds before going to sleep. Almonds regulate the melatonin hormone responsible for sleep.
Eating almonds regularly reduces stress hormones and helps in deep sleep without any interruption.
Many studies announced that eating almonds before bed had a long deep sleep than those who didn’t eat almonds.
Just consume 5 to 6 almonds, or you can also add crushed almonds into one glass of warm milk and consume them before bed.
5. Walnuts
Walnuts contain 19 types of vitamins and rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and work as a great heart’s health ingredient.
Walnuts are the best food for good sleep. Many people felt an instant transformation in their sleep quality after eating walnuts. Just eat a handful of walnuts before going to bed.
6. Cherry Juice
Cherry is the food that makes you sleepy. Cheery juice is an impressive beverage that can dramatically change the sleep quality and make it better than your expectation.
Cheery juice has vitamin C, antioxidants, serotonin, and tryptophan required for a good night’s sleep and muscle relaxation.
The studies believe that consuming 1 or two cherry juice glasses can be an effective remedy for people with insomnia or sleeping disorder.
The tart cherry juice naturally regulates the sleeping hormone, and your body automatically indicates sleep, and the next day you awake with a fresh and active mind and body.
7. Carbohydrate
Eating carbs before going to bed is also helpful to enhance longer sleep. We aren’t suggesting pasta or bread as they are quite heavy just before sleep and takes time to digest.
You can eat a bowl of white rice, a bowl of cereals with milk, or oats. These are all known as a good snack, and eating at night will amazingly work as expected.
Eat any of them before sleeping and keep a little hunger while having dinner so you can eat the night snack.
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8. Honey
Every health-conscious person carves honey, and this delicious ingredient is rich in many effective components and nutrients.
Taking 1 tablespoon of fresh organic honey before sleep can better sleep quality and make it longer and deeper.
Honey is the known best foods that promote deep sleep. Honey stimulates melatonin and other sleeping hormone and promotes body relaxation and comfort, and within a few days, you feel changes.
9. Chamomile Tea
Drinking chamomile tea is also a good option for those who are seeking better sleep quality.
Chamomile tea is rich in antioxidants and other needed minerals and works great for chronic diseases, and improves skin health.
With that, chamomile tea contains the special factor apigenin that reduces stress and insomnia and provides muscle relaxation so you can sleep well.
People who drank chamomile tea for 2 weeks claimed that they have superb results and improved sleep quality.
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10. Vitamin C
Does Vitamin C rich foods promote deep sleep? The deficiency of vitamin C can invite many health issues, and lack of proper sleep or insomnia is one of them.
Numbers of fruits like oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit contain enough vitamin C to fulfill the lack of vitamin C.
The studies believe that vitamin c has the properties to promote the sleeping hormone melatonin and serotonin. Vitamin C supplements are also available, but we insist that we take them from natural sources.
You can eat a fresh orange or a bowl of freshly sliced pineapple before going to bed.
Also Read: 9 Early Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency Don’t Ignore!
In Closing
Our diet affects our whole routine, and sleep is also one of them. We comprehend the difficulty of those people who are unable to sleep naturally.
Just recheck the diet chart, and making a little change can change many things. We hope this article on best foods that help you sleep will work for you.
Reference from trusted source
- Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality [1]
- Diet and Sleep Physiology: Public Health and Clinical Implications[2]
- Sleep patterns, a prospective study of 385 292 UK biobank participants[3]
- Strategies of Functional Foods Promote Sleep in Human Being[4]
- The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly[5]
- Preliminary examination of the efficacy and safety of a standardized chamomile extract for chronic primary insomnia[6]
- Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Prevention of Mood and Anxiety Disorders[7]