Home Remedies

9 Easy Ways How To Make Yourself Burp to Relieve Gas

Did you know how to make yourself burp fast to relieve gas? It may sound unpleasing, but a satisfactory burp even leaves you feeling relieved almost immediately. And, why not? Burping is a normal process through which your body discharges extra gas. However, some people can’t give rise to themselves to burp at times.

Guess all that built-up air stuck down your throat and being unfit to push it out! The feeling itself is unattractive. Are you also among those striving to burp? We feel you. Hence, we have come up with some easy tips on how to make yourself burp naturally to relieve gas when nobody else seems to work.

Burping is also called belching. It complicates the rescue of gas from the digestive tract to the mouth. When eating or drinking, the air is swallowed and then expelled. Today we will discuss how to make yourself burp quickly. We will also explore some best ways to make yourself burp.

Burping is one of the easiest means to relieve bloating. It works for removing gas discomfort and can be activated on demand.

How to Make yourself Burp to Relieve Gas

How to Make yourself Burp to Relieve Gas

Here are a few tips that may help in how to force a burp

1. Drink A Carbonated Beverage or Water

You must be familiar with the abrupt pressure that grows inside your stomach after liquoring up a carbonated beverage. Well, that pressure can help you burping and gas.

Surprisingly, drinking plain water can comfort you do that as well. All you possess to do is drink a full glass of water in a single whiff while squeezing your nose (so that no air is released). This also creates pressure inside your getting each, resulting in you burping.

2. Change the Way you Breathe

You are slouching while breathing can result in your burp getting glued midway. Instead, sit upright. This not only curbs gastrointestinal symptoms like acid reflux but can also make it comfortable for you to burp.

3. Swallow Air

Breathe out all the air from your lungs and follow it up with a deep breath and breathe a lungful of air. Now, rather than breathing out the inhaled air, swallow it. You may notice yourself burping and gas right after. However, don’t do this too repeatedly as it can result in flatulence and make you belch all too continually.

4. Do Some Light Exercises

Light exercises can put pressure on the air inside your stomach and push it up. A simple jog, a brisk walk, or even jumping up and down can comfort your burp while also bringing rid of excess gas. Simply bedding and rising on your feet quickly will also perform the trick.

5. Eat Gas-Promoting Foods

Apples and pears may accumulate gas in the stomach, developing pressure that may promote burping.

Eating gas-promoting foods can encourage building up gas pressure in the stomach, resulting in a burp after consumption. For whole-grain endorse belching include:

  • Some fruits, including apples, pears, and peaches
  • Carrots
  • Hard candy
  • Chewing gum
  • Whole-grain bread

6. Antacids

Chewable calcium carbonate supplements, such as Tums and Rolaids, are built to relieve acid ingestion. Burping is an immediate side effect of antacids.

Antacids are ready for purchase over the counter or online.

7. Inducing the gag reflex

The gag reflex can be used to force a burp. Burping can be induced by gently rubbing the back of one’s lips with a clean finger. Only enough air should be released upwardly, therefore the contact should be light.

8. Yoga Poses to Relieve Gas

The bridge position relieves pressure on the back and abdomen while stretching the front body, which can relieve gas discomfort.

9. Make burp with Chew gum

Chewing gum causes you to swallow more air than usual, which can result in burps.

Feeling like I Need to Burp But can’t

Unable to burp occurs when the upper oesophagal sphincter temporarily abandons its ability to release air. The upper oesophagal sphincter is a muscular valve enclosing the upper part of the oesophagus (food pipe) just below the throat passage.

The sphincter muscle relaxes during drinking, but the sleep contracts the time. When a person belches, the sphincter muscle wants to relax momentarily to enable air to escape.

The sphincter muscle needs to allow go downwards for swallowing. It is also essential that the sphincter muscle discharges air upwards during burping.

Unable to burp can bring a person feel sad. It may believe an air bubble is crouching at the sphincter muscle with no place to go. The incapacity to burp may be painful and result in abdominal pain and bloating.

What Causes Excessive Burping

Some of the leading causes of excessive burping are:

● Drinking or eating too quickly.

● Talking while you eat.

● Drinking and eating with poorly fitting dentures.

● Consuming carbonated drinks.

● Smoking

● sucking on hard candy.

● Chewing gum.

How to Make Yourself Burp to Feel Better: Do’s and Don’t


● Drink a carbonated beverage

● Eat dairy foods

● Force the air out by changing positions

● Take antacids

● Trigger your gag reflex

● Force air into your throat

● Relieving Chronic Bloating


We will discuss some effective tips on how to stop burping:

● Restrict your intake of gas-producing foods like cabbage, broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, dairy products, etc.

● Eat unhurriedly to prevent swallowing too much air.

● Avoid smoking

● Prevent drinking water in between or soon after a meal.

● Prevent chewing too many gums.

● Chew your last meal at least a couple of hours before sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers-

Q. How to make yourself Burp without soda?

Ans- Triggering the gag reflex, you can make yourself burp without soda. The gag reflex can be used to force a burp. Burping can be induced by gently rubbing the back of one’s mouth with a clean finger.

Q. How to make yourself burp acid reflux?

Ans- After eating, go for a walk. Light physical exercise after a meal may aid in food movement through your digestive tract.

  • Take an antacid to help you digest your food. 
  • Medications for gas are a good option.
  • Drink ginger tea.

Q. How to make yourself burp on command?

Ans-To make yourself burp on command by Inducing the gag reflex. The gag reflex can be used to force a burp. Burping can be induced by gently rubbing the back of one’s mouth with a clean finger.

Q. How to make yourself burp when you can’t?

Ans- Drinking more beverages, especially carbonated beverages, is one of the best methods to make oneself burp—this aids in creating pressure, which aids in reducing gas buildup in the stomach.

Q. How to make yourself burp with GERD?

Ans-Fennel is a wonderful home remedy for burp with GERD. Put half a teaspoon of fennel in your mouth, chew it up, and swallow it.

Q. How to make yourself burp when bloated?

Ans- After a meal, drink ginger tea. Ginger can reduce gastrointestinal irritation and keep stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. Add a piece of ginger to a glass of water. Bring the water to a boil for a few minutes. Strain the mixture and drink it with honey added to it.

Q. How to make yourself burp loud?

Ans- Drinking carbonated beverages makes yourself burp loud—this aids in creating pressure, which aids in the reduction of gas buildup in the stomach.

Q. How to make yourself burp on purpose?

Ans- To make yourself burp on purpose, breathe while sitting straight up. Sucking air into your throat until you feel an air bubble, then blocking the front of your mouth with your tongue to slowly release the air. A burp should occur as a result of this action.

Q. How to make yourself burp to relieve chest pain?

Ans- Lukewarm water is recommended. Drinking enough lukewarm water can aid in the movement of excess gas through the digestive tract, alleviating gas pain and discomfort.

Q. How to make yourself burp during acid reflux?

Ans- Fennel seed is a wonderful home remedy for burp with GERD. Put half a teaspoon of fennel in your mouth, chew it up, and swallow it.

Q. How to make yourself burp to get rid of gas?

Ans- To make yourself burp, try exercising. Walking, jogging or gentle exercises can help you get rid of gas.

Q. How to make yourself burp when your stomach hurts?

 Ans- After eating, go for a walk. Light physical exercise after a meal may aid in food movement through your digestive tract.

  • Take an antacid to help you digest your food. 
  • Medications for gas are a good option.
  • Drink ginger tea.

Q. How to make yourself burp yoga?

Ans- Apanasana Wind Relieving Pose can make you burp. Pull both knees into your chest while lying on your back. Hold opposite elbows, forearms, wrists, or fingers while you wrap your arms around your knees. Breathe and hold for 3-4 breaths. Exhale and let your arms and legs fall to the ground. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times.

Q. What does it mean I can’t burp, but I fart a lot?

Ans- Burping is a natural way for our bodies to get rid of excess gas built up in our stomachs. Some healthy persons are unable to do so. So they come out as a fart.

Q. What to do if you can’t burp?

Ans- Inability to burp occurs when the upper esophageal sphincter (cricopharyngeus muscle) cannot relax and expel the “bubble” of air. Drinking lukewarm water can aid in the movement of excess gas through the digestive tract, alleviating gas pain and discomfort.

Q. What to do burp stuck in chest?

Ans- Did burp stuck in the chest? Don’t worry, try exercising. Walking, jogging or gentle exercises can help you get rid of gas.

Q. How to make yourself burp after eating?

Ans- After eating, go for a walk. Light physical exercise after a meal may aid in food movement through your digestive tract.

Q. How to make yourself burp immediately?

Ans- Carbonated beverages is one of the best methods to make burp immediately. This aids in creating pressure, which aids in the reduction of gas buildup in the stomach.

Q. How to make yourself burp during pregnancy?

Ans- Drinking lukewarm water is safe during pregnancy and is beneficial to your health. It increases metabolism, which helps digestion and makes you burp to relieve gas.

Q. How to make yourself burp while pregnant?

Ans- Drink lukewarm water to make yourself burp while pregnant.

Q. What burping means?

Ans- Burping is a natural way for our bodies to get rid of excess gas built up in our stomachs.

Q. What do I burp so much?

Ans- The foods and liquids a person consumes are often the cause of excessive burping. So limit the foods and liquids that you drink too much.

Q. Burping remedies for babies?

Ans- Rubbing baby’s back help them burp. Patting their backs causes them to expel the air, causing them to burp. We’ve all seen babies cry after they’ve eaten.

Q. What to do burping not going away?

Ans- After a meal, a few burps are normal, but certain habits or conditions can cause you to burp a lot more. If your burping is uncontrollable, you should visit a doctor.

Q. Why burp occurs?

Ans- Burping is a natural way for the body to expel swallowed air, and it frequently occurs after overeating or drinking carbonated beverages!

Q. Why do I burp so much?

Ans- The foods and liquids a person consumes are often the cause of excessive burping. So limit the foods and liquids that you consume too much.

Q. Why burp after drinking water?

Ans- Burp after drinking water occurs due to swallowing of air.

Q. Why burp a baby?

Ans- Burping allows newborns to expel part of the air they swallow while feeding.

Q. Why burp come after eating?

Ans- Burps are a natural way for your body to get rid of excess stomach gas after eating.

Q. Why burps smell bad?

Ans- Burps with a rotten-egg smell are caused by hydrogen sulphide gas, produced when your body digests sulfur-rich foods.

Q. When burping is serious?

Ans- If your stomach has been bloated for a long time and burping hasn’t helped, or if your abdominal pain is severe, contact a doctor immediately.

Q. What causes excessive burping?

Ans- Excessive burping is caused by swallowing too much air. Eating or drinking too quickly, talking while eating, and consuming fizzy beverages.

Q. Is burping a lot a sign of cancer?

Ans- Burping isn’t an indication of cancer. Burping may cause concern if it is associated with other symptoms like weight loss, Loss of Appetite, Bleeding in stool, etc.

Q. What are the signs baby needs to burp?

Ans- When feeding, it makes a sucking sound,

  • stop feeding,
  • Knees are scrunched up
  • Squirms While Feeding
  • Spits Up A Lot With Every Burp

Q. How to burp easily for beginners?

Ans- Breathe while sitting straight up. Sucking air into your throat until you feel an air bubble, then blocking the front of your mouth with your tongue to slowly release the air. A burp should occur as a result of this action.

Q. Is burping good or bad?

Ans- Burping is good for our health. During digestion, our stomach produces a lot of digestive acids and releases gases. Farting or burping are the only two ways to get rid of it. So Burping is beneficial because if the excess gas in your stomach is not evacuated, it can cause bloating and severe abdominal pain.

Q. Is burp a sign of pregnancy?

Ans- Yes, burping in women may be a sign of pregnancy. Changes in hormones and body shape can exacerbate acid reflux and heartburn.

Q. Is burp a gas?

Ans- A burp, sometimes known as a belch, is nothing more than gas. You don’t just swallow food or liquid when you eat or drink. At the same time, you ingest air.

Q. What does it mean Burping without heartburn?

Ans- Burping without heartburn occurs when you ingest air while swallowing food or liquid.

Q. What does it mean shortness of breath and burping a lot?

 Ans- Anyone who has this combination of shortness of breath and regularly burping may be suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or asthma. They should consult a physician for a complete diagnosis.

Q. What is the remedy for indigestion and burping?

Ans- Fennel seed is a wonderful home remedy for indigestion and burping. Put half a teaspoon of fennel in your mouth, chew it up, and swallow it.

Q. What does it mean burping up foamy liquid?

Ans- If you have too much gas in your stomach, burping up foamy liquid may form. Excess gas can be caused by various conditions, including acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). When stomach acids run back into your esophagus, this is known as reflux.

Q. Difference between burping and belching?

Ans- Burping is another name for belching. It’s your body’s way of getting rid of extra air in your upper digestive tract.

In Closing

Give the tips mentioned above a stab and notice if they help. But, if gas or difficulty in burping has started interfering with your day-to-day life, serve medical attention to rule out the chances of other underlying health issues.

Did you ever undergo an inability to burp? What do you do in such dilemmas? Be sure to share your result with us in the comments section below.


  1. “Gas, Bloating, and Belching: Approach to Evaluation and Management”– Pubmed
  2. “Indigestion: When is it functional” – NCBI
  3. “(PDF) Chronic Burping and Belching” – ResearchGate

Dr Maria

MD. Board Certified physician. Fellowship In Family Medicine UK. 8 years of medical experience in Lifestyle-related health disorders. Graduated from AIIMS – All India Institute Of Medical Science, INDIA

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