Symptoms of HIV in Men and Women After 3 Months
Are you looking for symptoms of HIV in men and women? HIV is considered one of the dangerous diseases that can’t be cured properly, and you never get its early symptoms of hiv infection, which makes this disease more jeopardy for your health and life.
Often people don’t understand or are aware of HIV symptoms, and in this article, we would list all those significant symptoms of HIV that will signal that you should do an HIV test immediately.
If you had unprotected sex or had intercourse with multiple partners or ever unhygienic needle has been used to your body, you must know that does HIV test regularly. Sometimes the symptoms of HIV appear after 10 years that is a long time, and when they appear, it is too late to cure it.
In This Article
Symptoms of HIV in Men and Women After 3 months
So now let’s check out the symptoms of HIV in men and women that are a warning you should ask your doctor for an HIV test-
1. Fever
If you often perform unprotected sex with your partner or with multiple people and feel a fever or high temperature of your body, it can be a symptom of HIV.
Though it can also be a significant symptom of flu, precaution is necessary. When the HIV enters your body, the body tries to fight the virus that causes fever, so if you feel so, then urgently go for an HIV test because of HIV, one can’t take any risk.
2. Sore Throat
Sore throat is a common health issue, and many of us have faced this many times, but it is counted as an HIV symptom. Whenever you feel irritated in your throat, and this happens continuously, you must be aware because it can be a bell of HIV.
Try to consult your doctor and ask for an HIV test, or the problem can be increased if not treated on time.
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3. Aching Muscle
Joint pain, inflammation in joints, and muscle pain all are the first symptoms of hiv infection. The virus can affect the rheumatic illness and lymph nodes in your body, and it produces muscle pain, body discomfort, back pain, muscle swelling, and pain.
The results are more dangerous, like arthritis, vacuities, and other muscle and joint related troubles can appear. So if you are still young and see these signs, then immediately book an appointment for HIV.
4. Cough
Cough and cold are also common diseases, but a constant dry cough that is never leaving you for a long time can be an early symptom of HIV.
When your body gets affected by HIV and fights off with bacteria that result in cough in the body, it can’t be treated with normal antibiotics or cough suppressing medicines.
The immune system gets weak, so the body cannot fight a virus, and the trouble never leaves you.
5. Swelling in the Lymph Nodes
The lymph nodes swelling is one of the most common symptoms of HIV, and 68% of HIV patients have triggered this as a prior sign of HIV infection.
The lymph node swelling occurs to the neck area, shoulders, underarms and every time you feel discomfort while sleeping or sitting.
Your whole body is busy fighting the virus of HIV, which results in swelling in the lymph nodes.
6. Constant Headache
If you feel constant headaches without any other significant reason, it can be a signal of HIV.
Though many other factors can be responsible for a headache, in the case of HIV, a regular headache can be transformed into a migraine, so tests are necessary.
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7. Sudden Weight Loss
Sudden weight loss is connected with other diseases, too, but it is also a significant symptom of HIV.
According to several studies in America, it has been estimated that people who were suffering from HIV lost their weight in a month.
8. Yeast Infection
Most HIV patients suffer from a yeast infection. It is unnecessary that if you have a yeast infection, you have HIV, but yes, it is reckoned as a common sign of HIV.
9. Skin Rashes
Skin rashes are also a significant sign of HIV, and more than 85% of people faced this issue during HIV. This is also called HIV rashes, and rashes can appear to any part of your body and can be changed into painful blisters.
Most of the time, you feel a burning sensation and itching on your skin, making your skin rough and bad.
10. Fatigue
There are many other reasons available that produce unusual fatigue in your body and make your body tired and weak, and it is also an initial symptom of HIV. It never gets okay even after resting.
Your whole body is busy eliminating the effect of HIV. That’s why you feel tired, energy-less, and lazy.
11. Sweating
If you feel night sweating even if the weather is pleasant, it may result in HIV infection due to the body temperature rising during the night and producing night sweating.
You go to your bed at normal temperature, but you feel sweating after some time, which you should not ignore just like that.
Sometimes you feel all the clothes are wet, even the bedsheets are also wet with sweating.
12. Cold Sores
The herpes simplex virus is the producer of cold sores, and it can be a significant symptom of HIV. Cold sores can trigger the genital, mouth, or rectal area. If you have HIV and also cold sores, then the condition can become worse.
13. Breathing Difficulty
Breathing difficulty or short breathing is also a significant symptom of HIV. As we know that when a virus enters your bloodstreams and the whole body tries to fight with viruses and day by day, you feel more weak and tired, and these things are the causes of short breathing.
If you see all these signs of HIV, then the HIV test must be included in your list of to-do
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