Health & Wellness

The Nine Practices for Great Oral Health

Oral health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked. According to oral health data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26% of U.S. adults have untreated tooth cavities. 

Additionally, 46% of people aged 30 and over have gum disease symptoms. However, many states take their dental health very seriously, such as Connecticut. A new study revealed the state ranked 5th in dental health. 

So, how does the state maintain good oral health?

Incorporating effective dental habits into your daily routine is essential to maintain a brilliant smile and to prevent oral diseases. This article presents nine expert-approved practices that contribute to great oral health.

What helps gums and teeth healthy

Here we have listed the point that helps gums and teeth healthy:

1. Regular Dental Checkups

These appointments, scheduled every six months, allow dentists to detect potential issues early and provide necessary treatments. One way Connecticut has maintained good oral health is through regular dental checkups. 

A study by NCCD revealed that more than 70% of adults over 18 visited a dentist in 2020. Glastonbury especially boosts an exceptionally good quality of life, reinforcing that people take their dental health very seriously. With such great concerns come exceptional services as well.

Dentists also perform professional cleanings during checkups that remove plaque and tartar buildup, which daily brushing and flossing might not eliminate. However, some individuals experience tartar accumulation more rapidly than others, potentially due to misaligned teeth.

In such cases, it’s essential to consult with an orthodontist, who can identify the underlying issues and recommend appropriate treatments to improve dental hygiene in the long run. So, if you’re looking for expert care, consider visiting the top orthodontist in Glastonbury, CT, for the most suitable and affordable treatment.

2. Brush Teeth Twice

To achieve optimal oral hygiene, brushing your teeth twice daily for at least two minutes each time is crucial. Choose a fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles to effectively clean your teeth without causing damage to the enamel or gums. 

It’s best to follow the modified bass technique for effective brushing:

  • Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gum line.
  • Brush your teeth using a gentle circular motion.
  • Then, flick the toothbrush down the tooth away from the gum line.
  • Brush all of your teeth and all surfaces in this way – including the teeth’ outer, inner, and top surfaces.
  • Repeat the circular brushing movement over your tongue.

Proper brushing not only removes plaque and food particles from the surfaces of your teeth but also helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

3. Don’t Forget to Floss

A thorough oral hygiene routine should include flossing, but brushing frequently takes precedence. To maintain a healthy mouth, it’s important to floss at least once daily, as it effectively dislodges food particles and plaque trapped between your teeth. 

These areas are difficult for toothbrush bristles to access, making flossing a necessary step in preventing oral health issues.

Regular flossing into your daily routine can help ward off gum disease and tooth decay while combating bad breath caused by lingering bacteria. Adopting this straightforward but essential practice will put you on the road to maintaining excellent oral health and a sparkling smile.

4. Consume a Balanced Diet

Eating a well-balanced diet plays a significant role in keeping your teeth strong and healthy. A nutrient-rich diet helps prevent tooth decay and supports overall oral health. To ensure your mouth remains in top condition, consider these dietary tips:

● Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables, as they provide essential vitamins and minerals

● Choose lean proteins, such as poultry, fish, and beans, for a balanced diet

●  Include dairy products, like milk, cheese, and yoghurt, as they offer calcium and other nutrients for strong teeth

At the same time, it’s important to minimize your consumption of sugary and acidic foods, which can erode tooth enamel and contribute to cavities.

5. Drink Water Regularly

Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial not just for your general health but also for maintaining good oral hygiene. Drinking water consistently during the day cleanses your mouth, eliminating food remnants and decreasing the accumulation of detrimental bacteria. 

Consuming water also helps counteract the acids generated by these bacteria, which might wear away tooth enamel and result in cavities.

Apart from averting tooth decay, staying well-hydrated fosters a healthier setting for your teeth and gums. Swapping sugary drinks for water is a simple yet effective way to improve oral health and maintain a beautiful smile. 

So, keep a water bottle handy and sip on it consistently during the day.

6. Avoid Tobacco Products

Avoiding tobacco products is essential for preserving excellent oral health and overall well-being. Using tobacco significantly contributes to various dental issues, such as gum disease and tooth decay. The dangerous chemicals in tobacco can harm your teeth, gums, and mouth’s soft tissues, resulting in lasting problems.

Choosing to quit tobacco profoundly affects your oral health, considerably lessening the risks linked to these conditions. 

Furthermore, quitting tobacco enhances oral health and improves general health by boosting lung function, decreasing the likelihood of heart disease, and extending your life expectancy.

7. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine

While enjoying a cup of coffee or an alcoholic beverage may seem harmless, excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine can have adverse effects on your oral health. These beverages tend to dehydrate your mouth, reducing saliva production, essential for keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy.

A dry mouth is more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease due to the lack of saliva’s protective properties. Limiting your intake of alcohol and caffeine is essential to maintaining a healthy oral environment. Moderation is key; being mindful of your consumption can safeguard oral health.

Remember to drink water regularly, as it helps to counteract the dehydrating effects of alcohol and caffeine, ensuring your mouth stays hydrated and in optimal condition for a dazzling smile.

8. Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly

Regularly replacing your toothbrush is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of maintaining great oral health. With continuous use, toothbrush bristles become worn out and lose their effectiveness in thoroughly cleaning your teeth and gums. 

As a result, it’s essential to swap out your toothbrush every three to four months or earlier if you notice frayed bristles.

Keeping a fresh toothbrush on hand ensures that your daily brushing routine remains as efficient as possible in removing plaque, food particles, and bacteria. Moreover, using a toothbrush with intact bristles helps prevent tooth enamel and gum tissue damage.


Great oral health stems from a combination of consistent practices. Brush and floss daily, consume a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. Limit alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, and regularly replace your toothbrush. 

Lastly, visit your dentist and orthodontist as needed to address any concerns. By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll be on your way to a healthy, radiant smile that lasts a lifetime.

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