Health & Wellness

11 Foods to Avoid After Prostate Surgery

Many of you must be curious about foods to avoid after prostate surgery. Undergoing prostate surgery is a major step in improving your health and well-being. It’s important to follow the medical guidance given to you for post-operative care as this will help ensure that your recovery goes smoothly.

Additionally, it’s also essential to pay attention to what kinds of food you are eating during this time – while the specific diet can vary depending on the kind of surgery and individual needs, some foods should generally be avoided during this period.

In this article we’ll explore foods to avoid after prostate surgery and why it’s important for a speedy recovery. With this information, you’ll have the confidence and knowledge needed to make informed decisions that will ultimately lead to better outcomes in your recovery process.

In This Article

  1. Foods to avoid after prostate surgery

Foods to avoid after prostate surgery

Here we have listed What foods to avoid after prostate surgery

Foods to Avoid After Prostate Surgery

1. Spicy foods

Spicy foods contain compounds that can irritate the urinary tract and bladder, which may be more sensitive in those who have had recent prostate surgery.

Additionally, capsaicin can act as a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production – something that could lead to further discomfort or irritation for those recovering from this type of operation.

2. Caffeine

If you or a loved one has recently had prostate surgery, it’s important to limit and avoid caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic that can increase the frequency of urination and cause discomfort.

It can also irritate the bladder and urinary tract, which may be healing after surgery. Let’s take care of ourselves by limiting our caffeine intake for optimal recovery!

3. Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages, including sodas and sparkling water, can irritate the lining of the bladder which may already be sensitive or inflamed due to the procedure.

This can lead to discomfort or pain so it’s best avoided. Additionally, some carbonated drinks contain caffeine which can contribute to further dehydration – something we want to avoid during recovery as proper hydration is essential for healing.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol can act as a diuretic and increase urine production, which may be uncomfortable after prostate surgery. Increased urine output can irritate the bladder and urethra, leading to discomfort or urinary tract symptoms.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that alcohol consumption during recovery from surgery may impair the body’s natural healing processes by affecting immune function and interfering with tissue repair.

5. Acidic foods

It’s important to be mindful of what we eat after surgery, especially when it comes to acidic foods. Eating too many acidic foods can lead to further irritation and discomfort in the bladder lining and may cause increased urinary urgency or a burning sensation during urination.

If you’ve recently had surgery, try avoiding overly acidic meals as much as possible so that your body has enough time for healing from the procedure itself.

6. Fried food

Fried food is high in unhealthy fats and can be difficult for your digestive system to process, which can lead to bloating, gas, and other gastrointestinal discomfort.

This is especially true if the surgery was prostate-related as consuming fried foods could contribute to more inflammation and delay healing. So take it easy on those deep-fried treats while you’re recuperating!

7. Salty Foods

It’s important to watch your salt intake as too much can lead to fluid retention in the body. This may contribute to swelling and discomfort if you have any incisions or surgical sites that are healing.

Not only could this raise blood pressure which isn’t ideal for the healing process, but it can also increase urine production potentially exacerbating any urinary symptoms or discomfort post-surgery.

8. Dairy products

I wanted to let you know that if you’re recovering from surgery, it’s important to be mindful of the foods that may cause digestive discomfort.

Some individuals experience gas, bloating, or diarrhea after consuming dairy products. This can be especially troublesome during recovery when your body is more sensitive and prone to inflammation.

Additionally, high consumption of dairy products has been associated with bladder irritation and worsening urinary symptoms after prostate surgery.

9. Processed meat

Red meat, especially processed and fatty cuts, can contain high amounts of saturated fats which have been linked to inflammation and oxidative stress.

Additionally, there might be a potential link between processed meat consumption and an increased risk for prostate cancer – although this isn’t conclusive yet.

To support overall prostate health as a precautionary measure then it could help to limit our intake of red meat in our diets!

10. Dehydrating Foods

It’s important to stay hydrated after prostate surgery. Dehydrating foods are those that tend to increase fluid loss from the body, potentially leading to dehydration.

During recovery, this can be especially concerning as it may lead to urinary retention, constipation, and slower healing.

It is really important for us all who had or will have prostate surgery in the future -to make sure we’re drinking enough water throughout our recovery period to support our healing process and maintain healthy bladder function.

11. Processed foods

Processed foods often lack essential nutrients and fiber that your body needs for proper healing. They are typically high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium which can contribute to inflammation in the body.

Inflammation can hinder the healing process so try your best to avoid processed foods during this time or opt for healthier alternatives like fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, etc., which will help support your overall health as you recover from surgery!

In Closing

In conclusion, it is important to keep a close eye on your diet after prostate surgery. You must follow the specific dietary recommendations given by your doctor or nutritionist, as these will be tailored to suit your circumstances and type of surgery.

In general, though, certain foods should be avoided during this recovery period for everything to go smoothly – so make sure you take care of what you’re eating! With careful consideration and attention paid to what goes into our bodies, we can ensure a successful healing process post-surgery.


  1. Diet and Lifestyle Considerations for Patients with Prostate Cancer
  2. Post‐prostatectomy urinary incontinence
  3. Milk and other dairy foods in relation to prostate cancer recurrence

Dr Maria

MD. Board Certified physician. Fellowship In Family Medicine UK. 8 years of medical experience in Lifestyle-related health disorders. Graduated from AIIMS – All India Institute Of Medical Science, INDIA

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